Monday, October 14, 2024

Spring garden

Spring has arrived in the garden and it is looking very lush and green. The garden is based on sand ontop of rock and because or this the water either just drains away or in the hottest part of the year it just runs across the surface.  So i have been trying to build some soil up and creating compost. It is a slow process but hopefully one that will help the garden to flourish.

I really love to wander around the garden and see what has been happening. I find it exciting to see new growth and see the seasonal changes. There is always something reassuring about seeing the same plants change as the seasons roll by. After having lived with my last garden for 22 years i am still getting used to my new garden and the new challenges of a coastal garden.


Arne Carlos sweater

I have been knitting away on my second arne & carlos sweater. This one is for my son. I am still using Bendigo woolen mills colourway raven for the main body , as I did for my husbands jumper. I found some old wool and nylon blend in my stash that is working out really well for the contrast colour. 
I'm so happy to be past the colour work and am so close to the neck. I just hope it fits him well. That is the problem with not having my son live super close to me. He can't just try it on. 
It also seems to be very fitting that I am using the tulip needle stoppers he gave me. I do love them , i would be lost without needle stoppers.


Thursday, August 15, 2024

Tour de femme 2024 day 4

 Day four of the tour de France femme has been a good spinning day for me. I had a bit more time to do some spinning today, and half of that time seems to have been spent preparing the fleece.

I must admit that I love having these mini goals to give me the insentive to get crafting done. There are always long term projects that seem to sit to the side and not get worked on for one reason or another. The tour de fleece is always a good way for me to work through all that brown fleece I seem to have stashed away over the years.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Tour de France femme #3

 Day 3 of the tour de France femme race is on. I managed to get some plying done today, but this brown fleece seems to keep giving. In previous years I have used the tour de fleece as a way to work my way through the brown stash. Brown is not my favourite colour and I had thought I was near the end of all my brown fleeced but no, there is more.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Tour de femme 2024

 It is tour de femme time again. From the 12th to 18th of August the femme will be cycling their way way around Europe. While they spin their wheels a number of dedicated yarn spinners will spin their (spinning) wheels. 

I was unable to spin this year during the men's race as I was busy finishing my quilt so I am really excited to get some spinning done.

Here is my first days spinning. I hope to get this brown finished. Below  you can see the bag of brown I hope to work my way through. Wish me luck.