I have finally finished my husbands jumper. This is only the third jumper I have knitted him in the 24 or so years we have been together. It also took three goes at knitting it to finally have a finished jumper. In the first attempt I was following a pattern I had bought from the local department store ( maybe my first mistake) . I didn't have many men's jumper patterns at home and so I bought this one with my husband.
It had saddle shoulders, ribbed arms and a panel of rib on both sides. But when I finished it it not fit. As it was a pieced garment I couldn't try it on as I went.
The sleeves were far too long, and there was too much fabric across the chest/ underarm area.
I frogged the arms back and changed them to set in sleeves but even though they now fit the problem of too much fabric on the chest still remained so I decided to just frog the entire jumper and start again.
This time I decided to go with a top up yoked jumper knit in the round. A construction style I am very familiar with and one I could try on him as I went.