Monday, June 20, 2022

Bishopstone yarns, episode 19

 Episode 19 of Bishopstone yarns podcast is now up on youtube.

What have I been up to in the past week. 

The weather here has been cold and we have had some fantastic fog covering the area. I guess winter is here and letting us know. This makes it perfect knitting weather but not so good for me to sew as my sewing area doesnt have any heating. BRRRRRRRRRRR. Not at all inviting for sewing my quilt blocks.
I hope everyone is keeping warm, not too warm for those in the northern hemisphere. Keep crafting and enjoying what you make.

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Farmers wife sampler quilt #6

Here are the next set of blocks I have done from The Farmer's wife sampler quilt. I have not trimmed these blocks yet as I will do that at the end. If you would like to see these blocks in action you can see them on my podcast on you tube, Bishopstone yarns. I am sorry but some of these blocks need another iron as they have been sitting in piles in a bag since finishing and filming for the podcast. I am very happy to have made spool as I was thinking of making a small quilt of these blocks as a cover for my sewing machine. I have seen these on others podcasters machines and love the look of them. 

Farmer's Daughter

Honey's Choice

I am not happy with this block as I found that the points have not met up in the middle of the shapes. I am left wondering if I need to redo this block. I really like the colours used in this but I don't have much of this material left so I would have to make another block in different colours. What I might do is wait until I finished all the blocks and then make a decision about this block, and any others that may be in the same redo or not pile.

Old Windmill


Farmers wife sampler quilt #5

 Here are the next 5 blocks I have made from the Farmer's wife sampler quilt. These have not been trimmed and some may need another iron since I finished and filmed them. If you would like to see these blocks in action you can see them on my podcast Bishopstone yarns on you tube. The blocks in these posts may not appear in order with the podcast episodes but I will try.

I am not a sewer or a quilter as such and am finding this experience really enjoyable. I have made blocks I never would have tried if I was just to choose myself so it has pushed me into learning new techniques , some I am sure I will use again and some I hope not to. I never knew that I would sew so many tiny triangles as the idea of all those points needing to meet up has always scared me.


                                                          Butterfly at the crossroads

Contrary Wife

Friendship Star

Churn Dish

Farmers wife sampler quilt # 4

Here are the next set of blocks that I have made for my Farmer's wife sampler quilt. These have not been trimmed and some may need a re iron since finishing and filming for my podcast. If you would like to see these blocks in action you can watch the my podcast Bishopstone yarns on you tube.

Attic Window


Birds in the Air

                                                                    Broken Dishes

Broken sugar bowl

I had a problem with my iron at the very end of this block. As I did my final iron I was left with these black marks on my fabric. So I may have had something stuck on the iron or the tan material is not cotton, as it curled a bit when I ironed it. Still deciding if it will wash out or if I need to make another block.

Calico Puzzle

episode 17

 Episode 17 of Bishopstone yarns is now up on youtube. 

I have some finished socks, a new sock start. 

See where I am up to in my cross stitch and my Farmers wife sampler quilt.

I may have bought some new material for a sewing project as well.

Farmers wife sampler quilt #3

Here are the next set of blocks that I have made from the Farmer's wife sampler Quilt. The first block is made using material from one of the quilting group ladies. I am hopeful that it will tone in well with my other fabrics.  These blocks have not been cut down to size yet as I will do that at the end of making
If you want to see these blocks in action you can see them on my podcast Bishopstone yarns on you tube.

Rail Road

Cut Glass Dish

Puss in corner

Saw Tooth


Farmers wife sampler quilt #2

 Here are the next 5 blocks I have made.


Kitchen Woodbox

Homeward Bound

Basket Weave

Autumn Tints

Farmers wife sampler quilt #1

 I have started to make a new quilt and why not jump in with one that is made up from 111 blocks.

I guess there are a few reasons why not but I have decided to make as many blocks as I am happy to make. I hope that will be all of them but I will wait and see.

There is a lot for me to learn along the way as I have never tried most of these sewing techniques before.   

Here are the first five blocks. These may not appear in exactly the same order as on my podcast  Bishopstone yarns podcast on you tube but I will try.

Ozark Maple Leaf

Single Wedding Star

Streak of Lightning

Rainbow Flowers

Postage stamp

I hope you enjoy these. As you can see I have not yet trimmed these yet. I will wait until the end before doing that. 

Saturday, June 4, 2022

episode 16 of Bishopstone Yarns podcast

 Episode 16 of Bishopstone yarns podcast is now up on you tube. come on over and see what spinning fun I am getting up to.

You will find me in the corner of my studio surrounded by my fleece. Come and see what I am planning to do with all this lovely softness.

episode 15 of Bishopstone yarns podcast

 Episode 15 of the Bishopstone yarns podcast is now up on youtube.

Come and join me for some crafting chat as I start a new pair of socks, and frog some of them using a needle for the life line.